Are Spammers Corrupting Social Media?

Max Kalehoff post SEO Spammers Are Corrupting The Social Media Commons in the Online Spin section for MediaPost suggests that 

"...all the businesses that blindly hire such SEO spammers should be held accountable. Businesses and affiliate marketers that turn a blind eye or knowingly fund such practices are nothing more than enablers. They should also be blacklisted in a universal database. They’re corrupting our social media commons."
Wow, a harsh judgment to be sure, although it may not bee too off base.  But where is the line?  Just read the few comments already posted to Max's blog and you'll see that, although they agree, most people consider any form of regulation to be a slippery slope.

I've seen the same thing in the blogs that I have managed in the past.  It's been increasingly common to see a quick "great idea" or "you hit the nail on the head" comments to a posting, and then see anchor text and a link in the signature line that greatly outweighs the actual comment.

IMO, blogs are already set up to self-regulate.  Moderate your comments, delete spam, and keep quality comments.  Sure, some bloggers may whine about the added time and effort that it takes to regulate your comments and weed out the crap spammers are posting, but what's the saying... "No pain, no gain."

(By the way, this IS a blog, and I DO accept comments.  I am not suggesting anything that I myself am not willing to be a part of).

What do you think?  Is social media corrupted by spam? What should be done?  All comments are welcomed.  Even if all you say is, "great idea!"


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