I was lucky enough to get one of the original Google Analytics accounts right after it was released in November 2005, just before they put a halt to the open enrollment and went to a invitation-code system. Since then, Google Analytics has definitely improved with features such as new tracking to improve over the old urchin.js, a new interface, the release of comparison reports, and even benchmarking.

Even so, there are many features that still are just a little off the mark.

Enter ROI Revolution. I've never met or worked with these guys, and am not affiliated in any way. But I can say that after reading their Unofficial Google Analytics Blog and implementing some of their Google Analytics tactics, they know what they are doing.

I suggest you click on over there and spend some time reading.  What will you get?  Advanced Google Analytics training.  That's right, figure out how to track, report, filter, or whatever else to whatever using Google Analytics. Here are a few of my top pics on their blog:

Exact Keyword Tracking with ga.js - A must have for pay-per-click marketers out there!  In the "Keywords" report for cpc medium traffic, Google Analytics doesn't report the exact search term queries.  This presents a HUGE problem if you phrase or broad match.  Read this post to find out how to generate a user-defined report of the exact queries your visitors are typing in.

Installing Website Optimizer if you use Google Analytics - If you use Website Optimizer, here's the quick and easy way to marry it with Google Analytics for the best results.

Excluding Internal Traffic the Easy Way - I visit my own websites failry often to use the CMS or administration backends, and useful tools on the public side.  A few sites I've worked on have dozens of employees who so this also.  So how can we make sure this internal traffic doesn't skew our analytics reporting?  The handy-dandy internal traffic filter.


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